Episode 17: Can a Black Woman Get a Pass? Chaka Khan and the National Anthem
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In this episode, we discuss Chaka Khan's National Anthem at the All Star Game, Zaya Wade coming out as transgender, the Harriet Tubman debit card, and the Mississippi state employees charged with embezzling funds from the state welfare office. We also discuss our recent self care efforts including our Valentine's Day weekend trip to Atlantic City.
Chappell, Bill. Mississippi's Ex-Welfare Director, 5 Others Arrested Over 'Massive' Fraud. NPR. February 6, 2020.
Evans, Gavin. Fans Roast Chaka Khan's NBA All-Star Game National Anthem Performance. Complex. February 16, 2020.
McBride, Jessica. Hailey Riddle Accused of Charleston Islamic Center Vandalism. Heavy.com. February 13, 2020.
Ortiz, Aimee. Harriet Tubman on a Debit Card: A Tribute or a Gaffe? NEw York Times. February 16, 2020.