Episode 35: Goodbye Aunt Jemima
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In this episode, we discuss the phasing out of Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, and Rastus (the Cream of Wheat mascot). We also talk about the presence of far-right extremists at the recent protests and we suggest that our overall system of policing favors the bad and expels the good through talking about police officers who have been fired while trying to report their troubled coworkers. We conclude with a discussion of the Zoomers ruining Trump’s Tulsa rally as well as the untimely murder of Elijah McClain at the hands of the Aurora Police Department.
Fertig, Beth. Why Two Lawyers Accused Of Tossing Molotov Cocktail At NYPD Car Could Face Life In Prison. Gothamist. June 22, 2020.
Jones, Sheena. A black officer stepped in when a white cop had a suspect in a chokehold. She was fired and the city wants an investigation. CNN. June 16, 2020.
Murdock, Sebastian. ‘Rat Cop’ Joe Crystal Shunned From Baltimore Police Department After Reporting Officer Brutality. HuffPost. December 6, 2017.
Sheet Music Singer. Old Aunt Jemima. YouTube. 1876.
Schollenberger, Katrina. #JUSTICEFORELIJAHMCCLAIN Who is Elijah McClain and what happened to him in 2019? The Sun. June 23, 2020.
Timberg, Craig. As Trump warns of leftist violence, a dangerous threat emerges from the right-wing boogaloo movement. Washington Post. June 6, 2020.
Twitty, Michael. Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben deserve retirement. They're racist myths of happy Black servitude. NBC News. June 21, 2020.