Episode 78: The Derek Chauvin Verdict and Parenting Black Children Amidst COVID-19, the Racial Reckoning, and Gun Violence (featuring Tai Birch)
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In this episode, we discuss our reactions to the Derek Chauvin guilty verdict while remembering the upcoming trials and investigations surrounding police brutality including the recent deaths of Daunte Wright, Adam Toledo, and Ma’Khia Bryant. We also discuss Republican attempts to censure Rep. Maxine Waters even though they excused former President Trump for saying and doing far worse things. We also sit down with pastor and filmmaker Tai Birch for a conversation about what it is like to parent Black children at this trying time.
Chavez, Nicole and Broaddus, Adrienne. Minnesota's Twin Cities are once again the national flashpoint over race and policing. CNN. April 19, 2021.
Griffith, Janelle and Siemazko, Corey. Derek Chauvin guilty of murder in George Floyd's death. NBC News. April 20, 2021.
Khan, Miriam. Democrats block GOP move to censure Waters for Chauvin comments. ABC News. April 20, 2021.
McBride, Jessica. Ma’Khia Bryant Shooting: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. Heavy. April 20, 2021.
Meera, Paul. Judge Renders Decision In Request To Move Officer’s Trial For Breonna Taylor Shooting. BET. March 30, 2021.
Reyes, Raul. What we know so far about Adam Toledo's death is unacceptable. CNN. April 19, 2021.