Episode 84: White Rage, Racist Dress Codes, and Awkward High School Reunions

Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and iHeartRadio.

In this episode, we talk about the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre and discuss the history of White rage responding to Black progress in the United States. We also talk about the Philadelphia location of Steak 48 implementing a dress code and a $100 food and beverage minimum and how people are split on whether this is a positive development or a part of the trend of denying access to private entities using vague policies to deny access to people of color. We then have a mini debate about the necessity of high school reunions since this month marks 20 years since our high school graduation. Finally, we share details from our recent vacation.



Episode 85: Hunter Biden’s Racist Texts, Limits to Genealogy in Crime Solving, and a Farewell to Pose


Episode 83: Thoughts on the 2021 Pennsylvania Primary and a ‘Harriet’ Interview Encore (featuring Stephanie Webb)